Tanzhologie® - basic seminar
next date: 15./16.11.2025
content and learning objectives
The basic seminar includes a lot of movement practice and also provides a theoretical framework for the connections between health and dance from dance science. Dance teachers receive practical suggestions as to how Tanzhologie ®or individual elements of the method can be integrated into their own dance pedagogical concept.
target group
Dance and movement creators, dance teachers of every style. No prior knowledge of the teaching method is required.
Corinna Janson runs the Tanzhologie Studio in Bad Kreuznach. She is a naturopath and dance teacher, with an MAS degree in dance science from the University of Bern, and a certificate in dance medicine from ta.med (Tanzmedizin Deutschland eV). She devotes her professional activity primarily to the question of how far dance can serve to maintain human health. Based on her training at the Institute for Dance and Movement Dynamics in Essen (D) with Dr. Detlef Kappert she developed the teaching concept Tanzhologie® from 2004 onwards. Since 2019 she has been a volunteer board member at ta.med eV for more health in and through dance.
Members of ta.med, TVS and DBfT: €190
Non-members: €240
Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. (including breaks); 8 hours total teaching time
Participants with a ta.med dance medicine certificate receive 4 continuing education points
to bring
Training clothes, towel or mat as a base for relaxation, snacks and drinks as required
Thank you for your interest in our Tanzhologie ® seminar. With your registration you confirm your agreement with the general terms and conditions.